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Indigenous Human Rights – the most comprehensive document to date is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP):

The UNDRIP covers all possible issues relating to the collectively held rights of the world’s Indigenous Peoples.  Particularly relevant to Indigenous Midwifery are the following sections:

Article 3 Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.


Article 4 Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to 4.Resolution 217 A (III). 5 their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions.

Article 22 1. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of indigenous elders, women, youth, children and persons with disabilities in the implementation of this Declaration. 2. States shall take measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and children enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination.


Article 23 Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for exercising their right to development. In particular, indigenous peoples have the right to be actively involved in developing and determining health, housing and other economic and social programmes affecting them and, as far as possible, to administer such programmes through their own institutions.


Article 24 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to their traditional medicines and to maintain their health practices, including the conservation of their vital medicinal plants, animals and minerals. Indigenous individuals also have the right to access, without any discrimination, to all social and health services. 2. Indigenous individuals have an equal right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. States shall take the necessary steps with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of this right.

Article 31 1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as the manifestations of their sciences, technologies and cultures, including human and genetic resources, seeds, medicines, knowledge of the properties of fauna and flora, oral traditions, literatures, designs, sports and traditional games and visual and performing arts. They also have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over such cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions. 12 2. In conjunction with indigenous peoples, States shall take effective measures to recognize and protect the exercise of these rights.


Article 39 Indigenous peoples have the right to have access to financial and technical assistance from States and through international cooperation, for the enjoyment of the rights contained in this Declaration.


Kenhtè:ke Midwives Logo

Our logo was created by Megan Kanerahtenha:wi Whyte. To learn more about Megan, click here.


Kenhtè:ke Midwives is located on the traditional lands of the Rotinonhsyón:nih.

Where to find us

1979 York Road
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory, ON



Tel: (613) 396-2223
Fax: (613) 396-5555


Mon-Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm
Sat & Sun: Closed

Important information

Kenhtè:ke Midwives is proudly 100% Indigenous owned and operated.

© Copyright - Kenhtèke Midwives, 2023

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